This an actual shot of John as he is listening to one of Maureen's favorite groups, Air Supply. Sad to say it, but we've seen them at the Canyon Club, not once, but twice. Maureen even got a kiss on the cheek from both Russell, little fro man, and Graham, tall blondie. Russell likes to wear leather pants for part of the show. Honestly, a man his age should not be wearing leather pants.
Little Russell, as we like to call him, knows how to do so much according to this song. He can do all sorts of things and he can take the darkness from the pit of the night and turn into a beacon burning ending endlessly bright. I'd say that's quite resplendent!
If he could really do all the things he says, I don't think that Air Supply would be playing the Canyon Club in Agoura and The Orleans Hotel in Las Vegas. Do you?
John enjoys the video to this song. His favorite part is where the black back-up singers are hand dancing. Watch the video and you'll understand what I am saying (2:10). My favorite part of the video is the wooden acting at the beginning. You don't see that kind of acting unless you are watching an old episode of Beverly Hills 90210 and whatever flavor of the day band is at the Peach Pit After Dark. They deliver their two lines and that's it. Case in point, the Cardigans at Kelly Taylor's CU gradutation party:
Famale Singer: Yay, great congratulations.
Male Guitar Player: Yes, graduating from college is quite an accomplishment.