Sunday, January 3, 2010

John Update

Our John has a bit of a cold. It's more of a cough/sneeze, but he had a horrible night last night. He'd wake up every few hours and just be sobbing painfully. At about 12:30 AM, Maureen thought she heard him with a croup-like cough, so she took him into the bathroom for a steam. That helped him out quite a bit, but he had another steam bath a little after 3 AM after we'd watched Oswald to calm him down. He's ok during the day, but come nightfall, our boy turns into quite a handful.

On a more pleasant note, John has started to sing along to music quite frequently. The other night, I was going through Maureen's itunes listings and it came upon "I'm Not Going Anywhere" from Dreamgirls. When Effie started to wail during the song, our John was wailing right along with her.

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