Sunday, June 20, 2010

Five Silly Monkeys

Maureen usually reads a book called "8 Silly Monkeys" to John. It's the story about the monkeys that are jumping on the bed. John has a shorter version called "5 Silly Monkeys" that he likes to read as his mother reads "8" to him. Of late, he has taken to saying or at least ennunciating the "no more monkeys jumping on the bed" part. He'll just start saying that as we are walking around.

Yesterday, he saw his cousin Ana jumping on the couch at Mami and Papi's house. He then started to say, "no more monkeys jumping on the bed" to her. He's trying to be a good citizen and knows what happens to little children that jump around on the couch.

Listen to the intonation of what he's saying. He's trying to say "no more monkeys jumping on the bed."

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