Sunday, August 31, 2008
Two New Looks
Saturday, August 30, 2008
A Remembrance from the Delivery Room
It's not one of her favorite songs. One time, I apparently rambled on and on and on about Showboat after I'd had quite a few cocktails. I just wouldn't shut up. Oh well, it is a great show and movie.
Happy John
John's First Attempt At Footwear
John and His Future Mother-In-Law
John and I spent some quality father-son time this morning while Maureen went to prepare her classroom for the school year. In between his fits of crying, we had an important talk about his future. Whilst discussing his betrothal, his future mother-in-law, Heidi Klum, came on the screen. He had a stopped his caterwauling and just chilled. I think his future with Leni will be just fine. He already likes his mother-in-law.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
For Matthew David Gonzalez
Imagine a 5-year old boy in a tux at our wedding standing up on a chair and singing this song. That's our Matthew for you. He's also quite the dancer. He was serving people on the dance floor like nobody's business. If you don't know what serving on the dance floor is, then you haven't seen You Got Served. They play it on HBO like every other day, so you should be able to catch it.
When we went to the twins' First Communion in April, Maureen was 6-months pregnant. After Matthew opened his gifts, he came over to give me a hug then he launched himself onto Maureen. We told him to be carefuls since his cousin was in Maureen's belly. At that point, Matthew says, "My cousin is in there? Well, here's pinch to grow an inch" as he proceeded to pinch Maureens belly. That boy
The Great Cornhoolio?
Just think, in 12 or 13 years, John will be walking around with a Metallica T-shirt over his head and telling people he is the great Cornhoolio. It makes a father proud.
Johnny Polo Goes To St. Anastasia School
The People Have Spoken

Thank GOD our readers have agreed and chosen Highlights for Children as the magazine that we should get for John. I was a little scared that I'd have to get John a subscription to Playboy before he knows what a naked lady is. When he's older, if he promises to read the articles, he may be allowed to have a subscription to Playboy once he moves out. I don't think his mother or grandmothers would approve; however, I must stress that there are some great articles and interviews in it.
Anywho, back to Highlights. I remember being in Dr. Parker's waiting room with that seventies medicinal smell and looking through the Highlights magazine. My favorite section was the Hidden Pictures. Invariably, the hidden pictures were always circled, so it wasn't much fun. I'm just pleased it's still published with many fine articles for children.
Be on the lookout for our next pole.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Hola, Salma y Valentina
Ayyyyyy Numbah One!!! HE'S THE DUKE!!!
John, Maureen, and I were watching HSN last night. Esteban was making an appearance. For those of you who don't know who he is, Esteban is a classical guitar player. The creepy thing about him is that he tends to dress like Zorro and he has super sharp nails to play the guitar, but those nails make him look like the devil.
So, here's a clip of John delighting us with his charm. He gets that from his mother. John likes to put his hand up like that as if to say, "I'm number one! I'm number one!" Yes, John is number one in the hearts and minds of all his fans.
Only certain people will get the title of this post. You have to be a fan of John Carpenter's Escape From New York to get it. For that reason, I think only one or two of the regular readers will get it.
John's Musical Taste
It always calms him down. I finally broke down and bought it on Itunes, but I fear he likes my rendition better. I may just have to purchase a piano and learn to play it or John will learn to play it when he takes piano lessons.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Happy Baby
In case you are wondering why John looks so happy, there are two possibilities:
1. He's looking at his lovely mother as she smiles and says nice things to him.
2. He's knows he's about to eat.
I tend to think it's both. He loves to look at Maureen, but he also loves to eat. He's stopped acting like a little cat to push away the bottle. I suppose he's learned that behavior delayed his meals. Our Johnny's growing up.
Le Petit Prince
John would not be able to wear this sleeping outfit if he were not a prince. That would be false advertising.
Being the prince that he is, he sleeps quite well in his crib; however, there are times that he just feels the need to sleep in something that isn't quite as confining. Yes, he kicked us out of the bed this morning, so he could enjoy the size and comfort of a California King sized bed. He's the prince, how can we say no?
Dancing King
Well, he's far superior to Jean Claude Van Damme. He can't quite do the Van Damme split just yet, but we are working on his flexibility. One day, he'll win American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance. A couple of years later when his star begins to fade, he'll go on Dancing with the Stars and win that. John is like a force of nature. He can't be stopped. Some have called me a scary stage dad like that guy on American Idol, but I like to think of it as being proactively involved in the future success of my son.
Dr Doolittle or The Ghost Whisperer? You Decide
John has recently started to interact with things in his surroundings. It started the other day with his Gymini. Apparently, he started talking to all the little animals that hang from the arches. Here's a video of our boy interacting with the multi-colored monkey. For purposes of this post, let's call the monkey Koko.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Big Sunday

Like Grandfather, Like Grandson
John's Crib
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Sorry Maureen

John Goes Behind the Orange Curtain
Then she goes on to tell me that she did all this at the Neiman Marcus on Fashion Island. That
Notice how the boy smiles in both pictures. He does that for his mother on command, but it takes forever for him to smile at me. I think he inherited that from me. We both like to flash MAGNUM only when necessary...if you don't understand that, go rent Zoolander. It's 90-minutes of mindless fun and David Bowie has a great cameo.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
It's Official
Tubby Time
If you listen closely, you'll hear Maureen make an interesting comment within the opening seconds of this clip. John relieved himself. Fortunately, the stream wasn't too strong. It was barely a trickle that resembled that of a broken down water fountain at a Catholic elementary school that's been in dire need of repairs for 20-years.
John is learning to enjoy his baths. If he ever plans to graduate from the Handsome Boy School of Modeling and join the likes of Hansel, Zoolander, Markus, or that black guy from the Unbreak My Heart Video (his name escapes me at the moment, but he was also in Britney Spears' Toxic video), he'll have to learn to enjoy his beauty treatments.
A funny thing (aside from his little trickle of pee) happened. Just as Maureen placed him in the water, John literally floated an air biscuit. He created a little stream of bubbles that reminded me of a really bad episode of Blind Date where the dates would end up in a jacuzzi at Splash on Third Street. It also reminded me of every single episode of that bad spanish knock off of blind date called Buscando Amor where they'd ALWAYS wind up in a jacuzzi at the Sportsman's Lodge in Studio City. He continued to toot to his hearts desire. When he's out of the water and releases a bottom burp, he ususally smiles. He's already on his way to being like 95% of the men in the world who enjoy a good fart joke.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
John Likes Magua
Really, the movie is not a substitute for the book, but it was a great film. Maybe, I'll stop reading from the writings of Abraham Lincoln. He doesn't seem to respond to the writings of our 16th president. Perhaps, I should switch to some sort of poetry or that book of daily life lessons written by the Rev Joseph "Run" Simmons. Remember, reading is fundamental.
John's Big Night

As the ceremony started, a plane flew overhead. My feeling was that it was some papparazzo trying to get photos of a celebrity wedding. Sorry, the Bel-Air Bay Club doesn't admit those people as members. They casue too much drama and trouble.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
One Month Old
Anyway, I don't know what'll be the viewing agenda tonight. It is the season finale of So You Think You Can Dance. John doesn't like Katie. He shakes violently when he sees her dance. He didn't like her wishy-washy nature in the Las Vegas editions. Go Josh or Twitch!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Free Photos
I will note that the Pitt-Jolie's do donate their money to charity, so that's good, but do the others really need all the money. McConaghey and Alba make bajillions and their movies don't make any money. Maybe Jamie Lynn needs the money since I don't think Nickelodeon will welcome her backto Zoey 101. I doubt they'll allow teen mothers on their channel. Besides, I-Carly is on the channel. Who needs Jamie-Lynn when you have Miranda?
John's Matriculation After Grade 12
Loyola Marymount University: It's been my experience that anyone who attended that school has this unnatural love for the school. They all flock to live around the campus and they attend the sporting events. Why? They haven't had a winning team in God knows how long. On top of that, there are some very liberal Jesuits there. I'm shocked they haven't been excommunicated for some of the things they've said. Then again, I shouldn't say anything bad about the Jesuits since my confirmation name is Ignatius.
UCLA: I didn't have a great experience there. I didn't have a bad experience there. It was just blah. The professors are far too liberal for my taste. I can't tell you the number of lectures that I sat through which bordered on Marxist teachings. If I were a political science major, that would have been fine, but I was an economics major. WTF?
Brymann College: Maureen and I both remember watching the commercials for this nursing school back in the day on the local tv channels (KCOP and KTTV to be precise). If John wants to be a nurse, then so be it. If Gaylord Focker could forgo medical school in favor of nursing school, JD can do it too.
Devry University: Back in the day, I remember that it was called the Devry Institute of Technology. When it changed names, I cannot recall, but their commercials always have happy people talking about their great jobs and dancing around. Who wouldn't want to be happy and dancing? Maybe Leonard Cohen, I don't know.
The Hypnosis Motivation Institute: I tossed this one in there because I used to work there. I was called a production assistant, but my title should have been Boy, as in, "Boy, go get this. Boy, drop off the mail." It's fully accredited and in a lovely spot on Ventura Blvd. Plus, they'll teach him that "Success is truly not an accident."
USC: I'm torn on this one because it is UCLA's rival school; however, John's grandfather, Dick, went there. Plus, he could make connections there that will last him a lifetime. And, it's probably not as liberal as UCLA.
Leonard Cohen Music
Last night, John and I were watching Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man on DVR. Maureen was kind enough to record it and I was speeding through the stories and moving onto the performances. When Nick Cave started singing Suzanne, John started moving his arms and legs as if he were dancing. I told him, "John, you really don't dance to Leonard Cohen music. You just sit, think about life, and drink a manly drink. Additionally, you really can't dance to many Nick Cave songs. You just sit, think about life, and drink a manly drink." It didn't help that Nick Cave was snapping his fingers and grooving to the music. As much as I admire him, he just looks odd trying to groove to a song as such. It has soul, but it's not a soul song.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The Results Are In
The poll was a trick question. At one point or another, my hope is that John will be allowed to watch all of these programs.
John is truly excited because he'll be allowed to watch these programs at different stages of his life. Early on, he'll be allowed to watch Davey & Goliath. He'll learn all the necessary life lessons with a nice Christian message through a boy and his dog.
With Little House on the Prairie, he'll learn all about hard times, fires, floods, blindness, creepy men who wear masks, and adoption. Really, it seems that all Charles and Carolyn Ingalls did in their later years was to adopt every ragamuffin that crossed their paths.

As for the Warriors, it's going to be a while before John gets to watch it. I look forward to being there as he watches the movie. Hopefully, he'll enjoy it and want to put bottles on his fingers and say, "Warriors, come out to play-aaaaaaay!" If he doesn't, I'll be ok with that. Not everyone needs to love that movie.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
John's Official Theme Music
The song describes the boy to a "T". He is a Prince of the Universe. He's badass to carry it out. Maureen and I shall enroll him in sword school since he'll have a band of immortals coming after him. Plus, it comes from Highlander (one of my favorite movies. And, it's a movie that won an Oscar for Best Movie Ever Made...or so, Ricky Bobby says.