As I went to change him, I noticed that his feculence (it is a word. look it up.) had passed over the edge of his diaper and he'd soiled his onesie. I immediately asked Maureen to come help me since I'm useless when it comes to such odd occurrences. I can deal with normal movements, but not this one.
Maureen immediately took charge and removed the onesie. Unfortunately, a bit of his ordure (look it up) got onto his hair. I didn't notice until we took him out to the kitchen and I saw what I thought was dandruff. No, it sure wasn't dandruff. It was dried poop. I had to use soap, water, and a paper towel for a good five minutes before I was satisfied that it was clean.
The moral of the story is to always follow your instinct. I knew that something was wrong and I was tempted to ask Maureen to change him, but no!!!!!!! I decided to be a decent fellow and change the diaper by myself. Next time I get that feeling, I'll be sure to pass him along to Maureen.
At least, John made a good impression on the Brady side of the family. They all seemed to like him. How could they not? He's a precious angel...and, he's going to play the baby Jesus in the school pageant. His cousin, Brady, is going to be one of the shepards. It'll be an all Brady Christmas pageant.
BTW, the photo is post hair cleaning. Do you think I'd show a photo of the golden child with dung in his hair?
Is Juanito's cousin's name Brady Brady?
No, his cousin's name is Brady Hasenberg.
Actually, Brady and John and third cousins, but who's counting? They both have Brady blood.
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