I had to take John to the doctor's office today. They received their allocation of the H1N1 vaccination. Needless to say, John was a bit apprehensive as we entered the examining room.
The nurse was as pleasant as could be, but that didn't stop John from crying when she stuck him with the needle.
On the drive home, he started to doze off. He hadn't taken his nap in the morning, so he was just super tired. Plus, I'd given him a bit of Motrin to help him with any sort of fever from the vaccine. For a moment, I was concerned that he may have been suffering from some sort of aftereffect from the shot, but then I came to my senses and added up all the clues.
On a side note to parents, I'd like to talk a little about waiting room etiqutte. There was this little brat, and I do mean brat, named Miguel in the waiting room. He kept going to all the toys, grabbing the toys, and saying, "Mine!" He wouldn't let any of the other kids, John included, play with any of his toys. His mother tried to reign him in, but he obviously doesn't know how to share. My hope is that he cried like a stuck pig when he got his shot. it would serve him right. Anywho, please teach your children to share in public places like the park or a doctor's office.
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