Sunday, August 10, 2008

John's Big Night

Last Night, John went over to Grandma and Grandpa G's becuase
Maureen and I had a wedding to attend (more on that later). His Lowther and Borrego aunts, uncles, and cousins came to see him. His cousin, Anamargarita (I call her Suri to keep things simple), wanted to get into the swing with him. She kept on saying "Please Mama." What's not to love about that little charmer.
They said he was a very good boy, but I don't know if that was true. Knowing my son as I do, I tend to think of him like that Elvis song, Devil in Disguise:
You look like an angel
Walk like an angel
Talk like an angel
But I got wise
You're the devil in disguise
Oh yes you are
The devil in disguise
If he truly is the devil in disguise, that's ok with me. I used to be the same way. I never got in trouble in school because teachers didn't think I would talk during class. When you are smart, you can get away with murder in school. So, we'll see how he turns out at school.
The wedding was mommy and daddy's first night out sing John was born. The wedding took place at the Bel-Air Bay Club on the patio overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The bride, Rachel, looked radiant and the groom, Kevin, had a damn fine haircut. His new sister-in-law referred to it as the "George W", but I think it looked rather smart. I even commented to Maureen about it when he walked out.

As the ceremony started, a plane flew overhead. My feeling was that it was some papparazzo trying to get photos of a celebrity wedding. Sorry, the Bel-Air Bay Club doesn't admit those people as members. They casue too much drama and trouble.
The reception was quite nice. We sat at a Cousin's table. Rachel's cousins from Midland, New York, and Miami were quite delightful. They were full of life and seemed genuinely interested about John. Unfortunately, we had to leave at 9:30 to go pick up the Prince of the Universe.
When we got to Grandma and Grandpa's, John was whining. He tends to do that when he's sleepy. We tried to get him in his car seat, but he wouldn't have any of that. I had to resort to putting him in the swing. That mellowed him out. By the time, we made a left onto the street, he was out like a light. I wish I could fall asleep like that.

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