Saturday, February 21, 2009

Like Father Like Son

Our John is a well rounded reader. He truly enjoys the books his mother reads to him and puts up with my voice when I read to him. My voice isn't as calming and soothing as Maureen's.

Recently, he has discovered the wonderful world of comic books with me. I remember the first comic book I bought at Continental Comics in Northridge (G.I. Joe # 14 for the record). I hope that he'll remember the first real comic he buys on his own.
When he has accompanied me to Golden Apple, Mrs. Liebowitz, the owner, is always so happy to see him. She says that comic book fans need to start early. For the most part, he's been quite cooperative and hasn't had any melt downs as I go through the aisles. The one time that he was getting fussy, a kind hearted John Singleton allowed me to go ahead of him at the cash register. He said, "It's the least I can do for a fellow comic book fan named John."
Don't worry. I'm not one of those freaks that doesn't read his comic books and just stores them. I plan to enjoy them and I plan to let John read them when he's old enough.

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