Wednesday, November 5, 2008

For Immediate Release!!!

Los Angeles, CA - After days of tense negotiations, we are proud to announce that our John has accepted the role of Baby Jesus in the St. A's Christmas Pagent. John will be following in the footsteps of such people as Ted Neely and Sebastian Bach as he brings his own interpretation to the role.

When asked his feelings, John replied, "Right now, I'm feeling overwhelmed. I've always thought that we could all be a little more like, not a Jewish carpenter, but a genuinely good man who did what was right. I hope that I can do justice to the role because I plan to play him like Jesus in a tuxedo t-shirt. You know, I'm looking formal, but I'm here to party.* As long as my co-stars aren't glue sniffing teens, I'll be fine."
*Thanks to the writers of Talladega Nights for the Jesus in a t-shirt line.

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